Wednesday 29 December 2010

Sunday 12 December 2010

December gradings

Stephen Clarke- intermediate orange
Jack Bartley- intermediate orange
Jamie Callaghan - from junior green to adult yellow!!!
Ben Collier- adult yellow
Dan Grainger- adult yellow
 and our first ever 1st kyu brown/ black belt adult - Kit Callaghan

Saturday 4 December 2010

flu knocked me back

Flu has had an effect on my training but now i am better its back to training.

Friday 29 October 2010


This year i am going to do something different and dress up like Adam Ant!!!

Saturday 23 October 2010

our badge - designed by me

Badge meanings
The Phoenix
In Japan, the phoenix is called hō-ō literally "Immortal Bird .This mythical bird is a symbol of justice, obedience, the sun and fidelity. The phoenix represents the element fire, yang and the female force. The phoenix is also significant to the Japanese, and is an important symbol of theirs, included with the sun. The phoenix is associated with a representing a number of good qualities in a person, things like kindness, duty and being reliable, among others. The phoenix is one of the guardians of the four directions, and it is a good-luck symbol that appears only when the country is being ruled by a wise emperor.
This seems to mean that those emerging from the fire and ashes end up with admirable qualities that represent being a new person.


 The dragon is a recurring image in Japanese tattoo designs. Dragons represent the element wood, family, protection, longevity, yin and the male forces. The dragon and the phoenix are enemies and are often depicted together in Japanese art and tattoos
The dragon has a deep history and symbolism in Japanese culture. In Japan dragons go by the names of tatsu and ryu. They are long, skinny and scaly almost like a mutated serpent and are believed to live around water. According to Japanese tradition the dragon held the position of a god.
 Other interesting aspects of the Japanese dragon includes the fact that many in Japan believe that the first emperor of Japan was somehow descended from a dragon, giving it a position of high respect in Japanese culture.
The Japanese like to entwine the phoenix with the dragon, as you can see on many of their tattoos. This also symbolizes yin and yang for the Japanese, mixing the highest qualities of the masculine and feminine together.

The kanji (Japanese writing ) on our badge reads Aka (red) Ryu(dragon) Ju-Jitsu (art of compliance)


 The Romanji (English writing) also reads Aka Ryu Ju-Jitsu

one of my poems

The Journey

I'm standing at the mountain foot, its summit obscured with cloud,
Jagged and sharp the mountain stands, but beautiful and proud,

Two paths lay before me, both leading to the prize,
One direct but very steep, to slip is your demise,
The other a much longer path, but equally as tough,
Obstacles are in the way and the footing very rough,

I arrive here in my autumn month and the longest path I choose,
Although my journeys twice as long I know I will not lose,

The autumn makes my journey hard, with rain and slippy leaves,
So I know that I will fall sometimes and end up on my knees,
But soon my mountains rain will pass and the sun will cheer the day,
Creating the most amazing rainbow to guide me on my way.

Laura Peil (2009)

My art

i love art and have an A level in it.

more about me

I am no stranger to hardship and pain. I had a difficult childhood, a misaligned knee joint caused me arthritic pain on a daily basis, childhood obesity made me the playground victim for most of my school life, my mother had more time for her religion than me and my father had an affair and left when I was quite young. I got pregnant when I was 16 and by 19 I had two children and a physically and mentally abusive alcoholic husband. The birth of my second child was a very traumatic emergency caesarean section due to a cord prolapse (only happens to one in a million people) which almost cost both our lives. This experience caused me to look at my life and as a consequence I got divorced, and lost seven stone in weight. I had soon met another man and found myself pregnant and married again.
  I started Ju-Jitsu when my youngest daughter was just a few weeks old after an incident where a man exposed himself to me left me feeling concerned about my ability to defend my self. I joined the only club in the area and as I didn’t drive it took me 45 mins to cycle to each lesson. I never had a natural ability for it, I had never been fit, flexible or athletic, in fact I never took part in physical education at school due to my size. I had to work my socks off for every belt but eventually after 8 years saw myself training to take my Shodan. My Shodan grading took about 4 hours (doesn’t sound like much these days) but it was the hardest thing I have done and could barely stand afterwards, but I was proud of my self for passing it.  I inevitably spent more and more time in the dojo much to my husbands displeasure. He gave me an ultimatum, “Ju-Jitsu, or me”, as he had already had an affair with my so called best friend and later on my daughters best friend choosing Ju-Jitsu over him was not as difficult a decision as it might have been.  I waved him bye bye and at the same time gave up smoking.
 I passed my black belt after a hard 4 hour grading (which seems nothing now as I have witnessed Ishin Ryu Dan gradings that take a whole weekend!). Shortly after this my instructors handed the club over  to me and a couple of other black belts. Eventually it was just me teaching all the time and getting no training myself. This is when my weight started to pile on again. I started dating Stephen peil (3rd dan) at the time, he also had a weight problem and had been recently divorced so we had a lot in common.
Even though we had our own clubs we never really had much opportunity to train ourselves and no one to teach us. We started travelling around going on different seminars to full fill our needs. This is how we met Kevin Pell Hanshi in September 2004 on his 3rd Shochu Geiko.
We liked Ishin Ryu, we had never come across students who were so fit, so in March 2005 we affiliated our clubs to Ishin Ryu. Later that year Stephen (by now a 4th Dan) and I (now second Dan) got married. We just wanted to train with Ishin Ryu as much as possible even though most of their training sessions would leave us throwing up and unable to move for a week due to our lack of condition. We began to lose weight and get fitter and spend more and more time at Honbu (even though it took 4 hours to travel there!!) During our time as an affiliated club Stephen has gained his Renshi title and I have gained my 3rd Dan. My husbands fitness increased much faster than mine as I had to take some time out after having my gall bladder removed and he soon saw himself able to complete the Ishin Ryu Shodan-ho fitness test, the 12 mile run, river swim, 50 press ups, 50 sit ups, 50 leg raises and 50 burpees. I too was able to run for 10 miles (a miricle with my knee and flat feet) and can complete the 50 of everything. Our dedication to martial arts  totally changed our lives, Stephen  lost more than 5 stone, I have  lost 4 stone and we were the fittest we have ever been. In August 2010 we decided to go our own way and formed our own Renmei (Aka Ryu Ju-Jitsu Renmei) and wrote our own syllabus that we now teach. Our reasons for leaving Ishin Ryu will remain private – but some of you know our reasons. As a result we have lost a bit of fitness and put a little weight back on but now our heads are in the right place we will regain our fitness. Fitness is not everything as we get older our bodies naturally find it harder and harder.

As well as Ju-Jitsu (which I train and teach 5 hours a week). I also train in Krav Maga (contact combat) 3hours a week. Krav Maga can be seen as an essential Life Skill which is easy to learn, with practitioners becoming very proficient in a short space of time. Krav Maga is not a Martial Art, and has none of the flowing movements that can take years to perfect and master. Instead the techniques and principles have been developed with the body's natural reactions and responses to threats and violence at the forefront. Krav Maga teaches individuals to deal with unpleasant situations that they may find themselves in and provides them with a means to come out from such a situation intact. It gives individuals a greater knowledge of how to neutralise a possible attack before anything happens, and how to avoid dangerous situations.  This is all great stuff but Ju-Jitsu is my passion and my art.

Being a female martial artist has not been easy. In the early days I was made to feel a bit of an outsider. Men didn’t really want to train with you for fear of hurting you or even worse you hurting them. They also considered it a bit of a boys only club and didn’t want their wives to find out that women could do it too!
On my very first lesson I was told to punch someone in the face so he could show me a technique, I don’t think he was expecting me to throw a decent one so didn’t put much effort into his avoidance resulting in his nose bleeding all over the mat! I think that earned me a little kudos along with the time I kicked some one in the groin so hard I split their groin guard which caught their skin. I have had to constantly battle to prove I can do just the same as any man, even though this has and still does result in my body being 80% covered in bruises most of the time. But I give just as good as I take.

My husband and I are so obsessed with martial arts that our honey moon was a 2 day martial arts seminar where my husband broke my nose with a kick to the face within the first hour. This resulted in me training with two black eyes for the rest of the course. This is where we first met Joe Carslake Hanshi.

In conclusion I am glad men made training difficult for me and that I have had to compete with them on equal terms because in reality I am more likely to be attacked by man. My training although severe at times has given me a fighting chance if I am ever attacked.

Laura Peil Sensei

Renshi steve

Its my husbands birthday on sunday 24th, unfortunately i have got a fasting blood test so we are celebrating tonight instead.
Looking forward to the numeroud halloween parties next  weekend and a week off work for half term.

Monday 18 October 2010

Redditch Dojo

Tonight we are doing some sword work and a nice little kettlebell circuit!!

Kevin mills Kenpo seminar

Yesterday we travelled once again to Paul and lesley kings Dojo in Peterborough. This time to train with Kevin and Jenni Mills. We had a great day and learned some great stuff, it was a real eye opener. That two great seminars we have attended there now the first one was with Joe Carslake - another great martial artist.

Friday 15 October 2010


Looking forward to running round the lake tomorro followed by kettlebells and tyre flipping. Then training for 6 hours on sunday in Peterborough with Kevin Mills.

kit Callaghan Sempai

I am so proud of Kit to make it this far after a set back with his appendix operation. He has been my student for a long time and is the highest one my my students has got so far. I am sure he will change history again when he becomes our first black belt.

Redditch Dojo Move

Redditch Dojo has now moved to the scout hut at the top of Edgeworth close, Church Hill south, Redditch.
Juniors/ intermediates 7.30- 8-30 Adults 7.30 - 9.30

Aka Ryu Ju-Jitsu brief history

Stephen Peil Renshi founded Aka Ryu Ju-Jitsu on its first day of training at the Offenham Village Hall on the 27th August 2002.  Renshi’s training started back in early 1981 when he was just 9 years old.  He initially trained in Shukokai Karate and attained the grade of Purple Belt 4th Mon under the tutelage of Roy Stanhope Sensei 7th Dan and Neil Fagan Sensei 5th Dan.  After this Renshi was introduced to Ju-Jitsu and gained his Shodan (1st Dan) under the direction of Professor Dave Hodgson 6th Dan and Professor Robert Clarke 9th Dan. Soon after gaining this grade Renshi then ventured to the British Goshin Budo Association and gained a Shodan (1st Dan) in Goshin Budo (a mixed Martial Art but mainly Ju-Jitsu based). During this time Renshi went and trained in Kempo-Ryu Karate (a similar art to Goshin Budo) for a number of years and finally gained his Sandan (3rd Dan). Also within this time Renshi also trained in Muay Thai Boxing, gaining Yellow armband and within the National Karate Association gaining a Blue Belt.  After a considerable time with the B.G.B.A. Renshi finally attained his Yondan (4th Dan) in Aka Ryu Ju-Jitsu.  Renshi has always tried to complement his Ju-Jitsu training by trying to gain further knowledge of other Martial Arts for example by recently gaining a Purple Belt in Shotokan Karate. During the years Renshi has also gained various qualifications in various weapons entitling him to teach these weapons. In February 2005 Renshi decided to move Association and joined the Sekai Ishin Ryu Ju-Jitsu Renmei which is a professional federation run by Kevin Pell Soke 9th Dan. Once joining the federation Renshi was awarded, by Soke, the title of Regional coach for Worcestershire for the federation. Renshi has also graded up to Shodan ho in Ishin Ryu Ju-Jitsu, and is currently learning Krav Maga and MMA/cage fighting. Renshi won Bronze in the Shochu geiko Judo competition 2008.

Laura Peil Sensei is the Senior Instructor of Aka Ryu Ju-Jitsu, and club secretary.  Laura Peil Sensei started training in Ju-Jitsu in 1994 with Redditch amateur Ju-jitsu club under John and David Walker Sensei and after 8 long years of training finally attained her Shodan (1st Dan).  During her years of training in Ju-Jitsu, Sensei also trained in Tomiki Aikido attaining the grade of Green Belt 3rd Kyu and in 1999 won 3rd place in the British Aikido association kyu grade team Tanto Randori competition.  Laura Peil Sensei first joined Aka Ryu Ju-Jitsu (then known as Kempo Ryu Karate club) after two weeks of it opening, whilst Stephen Peil Renshi was still with the B.G.B.A. and through Stephen Peil Renshi’s tutelage Laura Peil Sensei attained her 2nd Dan.  Sensei has also trained in Shotokan Karate along with Stephen Peil Renshi and attained the grade of Green Belt.  As of February 2005 Laura Peil Sensei joined the Sekai Ishin Ryu Ju-Jitsu Renmei along with Stephen Peil Renshi and was awarded, by Soke, the title of Assistant Regional Coach. On the 17th March 2007 Soke Kevin Pell awarded Laura Peil Sensei her third Dan at the anniversary dinner at Borehamwood, London. In April 2008 both Sensei and Renshi were awarded the Ishin Ryu Ju-Jitsu samurai shield and in April 2009 Sensei was awarded it again for her efforts in weight loss and improved fitness.
Sensei has also graded to Orange belt in Ishin Ryu Ju-Jitsu and is currently learning Krav Maga and MMA/cage fighting. Sensei won 2 silvers in the Ishin Ryu Ju-Jitsu Judo competition in March 2009.

At the Sekai Ishin Ryu Ju-Jitsu Renmei’s anniversary dinner in March 05 both Stephen Peil Renshi and Laura Peil Sensei were made members of the Guild of Renmei Yudansha, this allows them to use the letters m.g.r.y after their names.
On the 25th of March 06 Soke Kevin Pell awarded Stephen Peil the title of Renshi at the anniversary dinner at Borehamwood, London. Both instructors have also trained on various courses covering Aikido, Judo, Jeet Kune Do, Ju-Jitsu, Iaido, Kyokushinkai, kick boxing, Thai boxing, SAS survival, Kobudo, Karate, MMA, Krav Maga and Self-Defence and have also taught on a number of these courses.

Both Sensei and Renshi have first aid certificates, public liability insurance Professional Indemnity and crb checked and 47 years martial arts experience between them.
In July 2010 Stephen and Laura Peil broke away from Sekai Ishin Ryu Ju-Jitsu Renmei and formed Aka Ryu Ju-Jitsu Renmei.

My husband Stephen Peil Renshi

4th Dan Ju-Jitsu
3rd Dan Kempo Ryu Karate
1st Dan Goshin budo
Founder and chief instructor for Aka Ryu

Stephen Peil Renshi founded Aka Ryu Ju-Jitsu on its first day of training at the Offenham Village Hall on the 27th August 2002.  Renshi’s training started back in 1980 when he was just 8 years old.  He initially trained in Shukokai Karate and attained the grade of Purple Belt 4th Mon under the tutelage of Roy Stanhope Sensei 7th Dan and Neil Fagan Sensei 5th Dan.  After this Renshi was introduced to Ju-Jitsu and gained his Shodan (1st Dan) under the direction of Professor Dave Hodgson 6th Dan and Professor Robert Clarke 9th Dan.

 Soon after gaining his Shodan Renshi then ventured to the British Goshin Budo Association and gained a Shodan (1st Dan) in Goshin Budo (a mixed Martial Art but mainly Ju-Jitsu based). During this time Renshi went and trained in Kempo-Ryu Karate (a similar art to Goshin Budo) for a number of years and finally gained his Sandan (3rd Dan). Also within this time Renshi also trained in Muay Thai Boxing, gaining Yellow armband and within the National Karate Association gaining a Blue Belt. After a considerable time with the B.G.B.A. Renshi finally attained his Yondan (4th Dan) in Aka Ryu Ju-Jitsu in March 2003.

In February 2005 Renshi decided to move Association and joined the Sekai Ishin Ryu Ju-Jitsu Renmei which is a professional federation run by Kevin Pell Soke 9th Dan. Once joining the federation Renshi was awarded, by Soke, the title of Regional coach for Worcestershire for the federation and was made a member of the guild of Renmei Yudansha in March 2005. Renshi was awarded his "Renshi" title  by Soke in march 2006. Renshi has also graded up to Shodan ho in Ishin Ryu Ju-Jitsu, and is currently learning Krav Maga currently P2 and MMA/cage fighting.
In August 2010 (after 8 years of Aka Ryu Ju-Jitsu) Stephen and Laura Peil set up their own Renmei (Aka Ryu Ju-Jitsu Renmei). 
On 16th of August 2010 Stephen was officially recognised as the legitimate  founder of Aka ryu Ju-Jitsu and was made a life time member of board of directors and a member of the sokeship council for the International Bujutsu Society Kokusai Bujutsu Kessha.

About me 15/10/10

• 3rd Dan Black Belt Ju-Jitsu
• senior instructor for Aka Ryu
• Secretary for Aka Ryu Ju-Jitsu
and Web site administrator
Laura was born in Worcester in 1969, but moved to Redditch when she was two years old. She has three children, three grandchildren and is married to Stephen Peil Renshi, whom she met through training in Ju-Jitsu. Laura began her martial arts training in 1993 after an incident which involved a man exposing himself to her. She started training in Aikido but soon realised that Ju-Jitsu was the art for her. Laura persevered with training as it didn't come easy and she eventually got her first belt after a years training. Laura continued training and gained her 1st Dan on the 27th of April 2002 under John and Dave Walker after nearly nine years training. Laura says this was the hardest thing she had ever done in her life. Since then Laura has tried to train with as many martial artists as possible in various arts including Kickboxing, Judo, Iaido, Thai Boxing, Karate, MMA/cage fighting and Krav Maga.   DSCF5365

Laura gained her 2nd Dan in Ju-Jitsu/Kobudo October 2004 under the direction of Jeff Whitehead Sensei 6th Dan, after a long and arduous grading. She has also gained 3rd Kyu in Tomiki Aikido, and 6th Kyu in Shotokan Karate, 6th Kyu Ishin Ryu Ju-Jitsu and P2 in Krav Maga.

Laura was made a Member of the Guild of Renmei Yudansha by Kevin Pell Hanshi in March 2005 at the 15th anniversary presentation dinner in Borhamwood Hertfordshire. On Saturday the 17th of March 2007, she was awarded her 3rd Dan by Ishin Ryu Ju-Jitsu's founder and chief instructor, Kevin Pell Hanshi at the organisation's 17th Anniversary presentation dinner held in Borehamwood in Hertfordshire.
In August 2010 (after 8 years of Aka Ryu Ju-Jitsu) Laura and Stephen Peil set up their own Renmei (Aka Ryu Ju-Jitsu Renmei).
On the 16th of August 2010 Laura became a life time member of the International Bujutsu Society Kokusai Bujutsu Kessha and a member of the Black belt council.