Tuesday 31 May 2011


Sacred-Springs Fellowship
The Sacred- Springs is a Fellowship of Master Martial Art Practitioners who have become involved or have grown their martial arts school via the ``Vision`` of Sacred Spring. It comprises the friendship network of the teachers according to the four guiding principles of Sacred Spring.
It offers via the medium of a yearly course in Lynmouth `` where the water meets the sea`` a vehicle to promote all the master teachers of the fellowship and raises a single amount to provide to free insurance cover on a member to member basis for all students training in it’s member associations. It allows the master teachers to use the designation of F.S.S. NO MEMBERSHIP FEES CHARGED OR REQUIRED and Membership open to all who need assistance. The Lynmouth Festival of Martial Arts should seek to provide the chance for students and Fellows to mix, teach and train according to the above principles.
The logo differs from Sacred Spring/Shinpi Izumi Dojo Kanji/Crest/Emblem and is the Logo that is ratified by the senior masters of the fellowship. The logo is coloured white and is on a Blue Background.
Fellows of the society are entitled to use this logo within their clubs and any use in the form of clothing and manufacture of garments is the sole fundraising responbility of individual groups and Fellows. The only income derived from the school is the monies from the Lynmouth course held in the last weekend of March at Lynton Town Hall, in Lynton and Lynmouth, North Devon.
The profit from this course goes to providing the insurance cover for the associations and the balance of the money is donated to a charity of the fellow’s choice and one of the Mayor’s choices.

The Following Heads of associations or master teachers are Fellows of Sacred-Springs:

The Cumann Ju-Jutsu Scoil na Heireann - Joe Carslake. F.S.S, Martin Carslake F.S.S and Trevor Carslake F.S.S
Ilya Hoffman F.S.S
British Kempo Karate Union - Master Kevin Mills 8th Degree.
Aka Ryu - Stephen Peil Shihan. F.S.S  & Laura Peil Renshi. F.S.S
Pavel Antonsson Shihan. F.S.S.
Keith Lebehan. 8th Degree. F.S.S
Kings School of Martial Arts. Paul King Shihan
Welsh Kempo Association - Julie Williams Renshi. F.S.S
Seisen Iaido Dojo governed by the B.K.A
John Hurley Sensei. F.S.S
Maynard Butteriss Shihan. F.S.S
Dacayana UK  - under the supervision of Marcie Harding F.S.S and John Biggs 1st degree/3rd degree Escrima National Coach Dacayana UK
Malvern Escrima Group - under the supervision of Marcie Harding. F.S.S
Fudo shin Dojo -  James Price Shihan and Karl Garret Renshi.
Daniel Thompson Renshi  Academy of Martial Arts
Mark Craddock Renshi. School of Martial Arts-Daiwado and Yagyu Shingen Ryu
Kevin Silous Shihan School of Kickboxing/MMA and Namaste Yoga.
Daiwa Ryu UK
Yagyu Shingen Ryu in the U.K
Sosuishi Ryu in the UK.
Gordon Lawson. F.S.S Judo
Jon Riley Shihan. F.S.S
Dacayana France
Dacayana Wales
Dacayana Switzerland
Yonrin Ryu -Nick Martin Shihan.
Junsei ryu -Ash McKee Shihan. F.S.S
Terry Hall Shihan. F.S.S
Master Jhun Dacayana. 8th degree. F.S.S
The above groups all arrange their own active and complimentary programme. Have there own in house First Aid, Coaching, Child Protection and C.R.B systems in place as well as a yearly calendar of events including summer courses.